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that matches
your travel style 😎.

About nomady

nomady shows your travel places of interest on the map,
around travel services, like ⭐ hotels, 🏑 apartments and πŸ› hostels.
This way you can decide where to stay by your personal style of travel.

Looking for πŸ—Ό Top attractions, πŸ“Έ Instagram Spots, πŸ› Shopping,
🍹 Nightlife or 🏈⚽ Sports & 🎀🎸 Music events (soon)?
Mark it on your list, and see them on your map!

nomady also specializes in travel communities.
We feature personalized community travel styles, spanning from
πŸ“Έ β€œInstagram travelers”, through πŸ’» digital nomads, to religious travelers.
🌍 Are you a part of a travel community? looking for certain types of locations for your trip? Contact us and we'll look into adding your travel style to our list!

nomady features all types of stay, comparing prices from top booking sites.
We combine a personlized experience, with tourism services like, airbnb, trivago, Hostelworld, etc.

nomady is about you having great experiences, anywhere.
We want to make it easier to choose where, what and how you do it.

Enjoy using nomady πŸŽ‰